<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% ' Comments... %> http://www.TommyJeep.com

Tommy's Pictures
Revolver Repair - 9/12/02

<% if Request("TYPE") = "" then rType = 1 else rType = CInt(Request("TYPE")) end if if Request("img") = "" then rImg = "" else rImg = Request("img") end if if rImg <> "" and rType = 2 then bolListAll = False Response.Write "
Back to Images

" else bolListAll = True end if Response.write returnImageName(Request("DIR"),rType,rImg,bolListAll) %>

<% Function returnImageName(sDir, intType, imgName, listAll) Dim fso Dim fol Dim sFile Dim objFiles Dim sSize If intType = 1 Then sSize = "small" Else sSize = "big" End If Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strPath = Server.MapPath("images") & "\" & sDir & "\" & sSize & "\" Set fol = fso.GetFolder(strPath) Set objFiles = fol.Files intCount = 1 For Each Item In objFiles sFile = Item sRoot = rootName(sFile) If imgName <> "" Then If imgName = sRoot Then If listAll = False Then returnImageName = "" Else returnImageName = "" End If Exit Function End If Else If listAll = False Then Response.Write sDir & "\" & flipME(sSize) & "\" & sRoot Else Response.Write "   " if (intCount mod 6 ) + 1 = 6 then Response.Write "

" end if End If End If intCount = intCount + 1 Next Set objFiles = Nothing Set fol = Nothing Set fso = Nothing End Function Function flipME(strSize) If strSize = "small" Then flipME = "big" Else flipME = "small" End If End Function Function rootName(sName) Dim tStr tStr = sName Do tStr = Mid(tStr, InStr(tStr, "\") + 1) Loop Until InStr(tStr, "\") = 0 rootName = tStr End Function %>